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5 Tips for the Perfect Butt: Summer 2012

5 Tips for the Perfect Butt: Summer 2012

How many times have you laid in bed at 2 am watching those intense Brazilian Butt Lift infomercials and felt obligated to jump out of bed to start butt exercising right then and there? Guilty? I know it’s hard not to fall into the hype, but it is important to have determination and set a goal for yourself. There are plenty ways to get a tight bum without being pressured to live up to those infomercials. Here are a few tips to get the perfect butt for Summer 2012.

Show Off Your Booty

If you’re not a fan of your butt, now is the time to create a relationship with it. While working out, wear clothing that will show it off (ie: Yoga pants, tights, etc). While targeting any body part, seeing the muscles work motivate you to reach your personal goal.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Weights

It’s always best to use weights while toning your bum. They maximize the results, but make sure the weights aren’t too heavy.

Breathe and Hold!

In between exercises, take thirty seconds to breathe and hold the lowest position through squats and lunges. It could get intense but the breathing helps to ease.

Take it Easssyyyyy

Rushing through any type of exercise can put a strain on your muscles. Make sure you take your time and count to ten, this gives your muscles time to contract.

Find Time to Workout throughout the Day

Mini-breaks between work and school, find time to do standing leg lifts or leg extensions. The tighter you hold your bum while doing these exercises, the better the results.


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