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Tight Budget for Lunch? Save Money and Time With These Nutritious Choices

Tight Budget for Lunch? Save Money and Time With These Nutritious Choices

Are you tired of eating at the same restaurants and ordering the same takeout? Is cooking not an option for you? Most of us are on the go the minute we step out of  bed, and these days it seems the oven is becoming as extinct as the home phone. For people who are in a competitive job market, cooking and working long hours just don’t add up, and as a result our health and nutrition take a toll. reported that less people are leaving the workplace to go to lunch, cutting back on lunch breaks, and are spending less money overall on their meals.  Being one in the number, I understand and have many reasons why:

Dieting: I’m trying to eat healthy (er).

Nutrition: I don’t want to spend all of my money on eating out. (I’d rather spend on shoes)

Time: I don’t have time, nor do I see myself making time anytime soon. (Call it lazy, but they love it at the office)

But whatever your real reason is, we as people still need to nutrition to keep us going. So whether you’re trying to save money, save time, or save or waistline, here are five meals that are great on the go or right at your desk:


Amy’s Light & Lean Entrees

Black Bean & Cheese Enchilada (240 cal/44 g carbs) – You’ll never believe this organic veggie wrap came from your freezer. Served with brown rice, sweet corn, and carrots, it’s super-filling too.


Healthy Choice 100% Natural Entrées

Asian Potstickers (340 cal/66 g carbs)- Skip the takeout: You can check off one daily serving of veggies and two and a half of whole grains with this Mandarin-inspired meal of vegetarian-stuffed dumplings (they taste positively meaty).

Caesar’s Gluten Free & Wheat Free Entrees

Spinach Gnocchi (15 pieces- 170 cal/34 g carbs)- Embrace the goodness of spinach-infused potato-dough balls, which are lower in fat, calories, and sodium than most frozen pastas, and gluten-free to boot.


Alexia Products

Chipotle Roasted Sweet Potatoes & Vegetables(160 cal/21 g carbs)- Make this all-natural Southwestern hash of sweet potatoes, black beans, sweet corn, and red bell peppers as a side, and you may end up eating nothing else.


Lean Cuisine Products

Garden Vegetable Dip with Pita Bread (190 cal/29 g carbs)- Dunk toasty pita pieces into a warm mixture of Asiago cheese and sliced broccoli, carrots, and spinach; repeat. If only all veggies came in such a luscious dip form.


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