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Up For Discussion: Why Did You Decide To Go Natural?

Up For Discussion: Why Did You Decide To Go Natural?

McKenzie Harris
TP's McKenzie Harris

“Going Natural” is quite a journey. From the various frustrations with the transitioning stage, discovering what products are appropriate for your hair texture, to having fun experimenting and bringing out your natural curl pattern, everyone goes through their own process.

It’s interesting listening to individual stories on what prompted them to make the natural hair transition. I’ve heard stories of women going natural because their hair was damaged, because they wanted to embrace their culture, simply to have different styling options, and even because they felt pressured from friends and their surrounding community.

I decided to go natural because I wanted my hair to be healthier and bounce back from the color and relaxer treatments I had used for over 15 years. I also became tired of always having to blow dry and put heat to my hair after every time I washed it, and desperately wanted the option to just wash it and go when I was pressed for time. The method of braiding, letting it airdry over night, and taking it down in the morning, just for the style to last one day wasn’t working for me.

I honestly love the results of my hair being natural. It grows much faster, it’s stronger, can hold color, and at times is more manageable. I’ve found myself wearing it curly more often than straight, even though my hair is cut into a pixie style and I love having the option to wear it that way as well.

I want to hear from all you girls who have been natural for years and the ones who are currently going through their natural hair transition. Why did you decide to go natural and are you happy with your decision?

mckenzie harris

Send your natural hair pictures to so we can include them in the gallery below with your story!

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