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Pretty Girl of the Week: Lucia Beeman Randle

Pretty Girl of the Week: Lucia Beeman Randle

Name: Lucia Beeman Randle

Age: 20

School/major: University of Minnesota / Marketing
Where are you from? Minneapolis. MN

How do you describe your style? All over the place. Bright, fun, vintage.

How did you choose this outfit? I always like outfits that look like I just threw them on, even if I was thinking about what to wear for hours. Cute distressed high-waist shorts are perfect with any tank. Accessories make it look like an “outfit”.

What plays a major role in choosing your looks? Comfort and how I am feeling that day

Outfit first or shoes first? Shoes

Where do you draw inspiration from? Fashion icons from the past.

Looks or comfort? Healthy balance of both. Sometimes you must sacrifice comfort for looks, but you should always feel comfortable with the way you look.

Your new favorite trend: High-waist ANYTHING.

I never leave home without: Lipstick

Most likely to be seen at: The airport

Most likely to be seen wearing: Red lipstick

-Europe Angelique


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