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The ABC’s to Beauty: Beauty Product Must-Haves

The ABC’s to Beauty: Beauty Product Must-Haves

With winter in full force, there are essentials that should top every bathroom counter. The right products can keep your hair and skin moisturized to fight the blistery cold weather that the wintry months bring. It’s as easy as ABC. Do your body a favor with these three beauty secrets.

A- Argan Oil

This oil, native to Morocco, is a well kept beauty secret but it has been used for hundreds of years for everything from juvenile acne to rheumatism. In recent years it has gained prominence in the U.S. and can be found in over one hundred beauty products, especially hair products. Most hair stylists rave about the wondrous long-lasting effects of Moroccan hair oil not knowing that Argan Oil is the primary ingredient.

If you suffer from dry and damaged hair, Argan Oil is ideal. Unlike other oils it is light-weight so less is more. A small daily application of this oil will moisturize and protect hair from damaging UV rays that can be extremely harmful to dyed or relaxed hair. Add Argan Oil to your collection and start the New Year shining from your roots to the tips.

B- Body Scrub

If you can’t make it to the spa and you still want to enhance your natural glow, here’s an affordable and quick body scrub that will leave you feeling good enough to eat. Natural body scrubs are a great way to exfoliate and nourish your skin in ways that lotion can’t. Lotion is only a surface moisturizer and after you sweat, it’s gone. With body scrubs you are able to moisturize on a deeper level, and after a long day’s work, what’s more soothing than a personal spa treatment?

Try this recipe and share it with a friend, your skin will thank you for it.
1/4 Cup Yogurt, 3 Tablespoons Honey, and 3 Puréed Carrots

To Make:  Use canned (nothing added), or slightly cooked pumpkin or carrots. Drain and purée in a blender. Pour into a bowl with the yogurt and honey.

To Use:  Draw a warm bath. Lather your face and body with the yogurt mask. Sink into a warm bath and soak for 10-20 minutes. Rinse in the shower, tone, and apply a light moisturizer.


C- Chanel No. 5 Essential Oil

What lady doesn’t love Chanel? Their scents are a classic reminder of femininity at its best and recently they launched a new line of essential bath oils to add to their collection. Their most famous scent Chanel No. 5 is only offered at exclusive locations so you’ll feel dignified in knowing you’re one of few.


Written by: Iman Folayan

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