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Fitness Friday: Get summer time fine with Corey S. Taylor’s FAAL Challenge!

Fitness Friday: Get summer time fine with Corey S. Taylor’s FAAL Challenge!

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Hey ladies! This weeks challenge kicks off your caloric watch upon awakening! Remember, that there are 3500 calories in each pound of fat; in saying that, you burn around 2-3k of calories each day, depending on your lifestyle. Therefore, by implementing the following little movements, you can achieve your daily intake goal and lose up to additional pound per week!

CHOOSE ONE OR ALL! Now let’s get started!

1. 10 min of cardio upon awakening or 50 squats!

2. 90 seconds of jumping jacks or 15 lunges after every snack!

3. 50 squats during your lunch break!

4. 90 seconds of jumping jacks or 15 burpees with every dinner!

5. 3 squats with every craving!

6. 6 sprints by end of day (24 hours is long enough)!

7. 90-120 seconds of abs before bed every night!

8. Your age in squat jumps every day!

9. 10 sit-ups with every liter of water!

10. My 5 min abdominal workout video every day (found on look around or on YouTube)

It may not seem like much, but just think, with the following steps and a healthy lifestyle, you can greatly impact your weekly, monthly, and yearly weighloss goals!

Remember, combine this challenge with ANY meal plan/detox/shopping list from my website ( for maximum results!

Good luck this week! Hashtag FaalChallange and Talkingpretty for me & spread the word on Instagram and Twitter. Happy training!
Corey S. Taylor
Fitness As A Lifestyle LLC

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